Motivate the soul
music to motivate, relax and make you laugh
I’ve definitely had my fair share of bad days during this pandemic. It’s hard to stay motivated when you feel like the world is on pause but we have to remind ourselves that it is not. This is our new normal and we have to adapt to stay sane and achieve whatever it is we want.
To keep your head high, your energy up and your mind & body moving, I made a fun little playlist. Some songs relate to the pandemic and the situation we are in which I hope will make you laugh, while others are meant to calm you down and some to get you in a dancing mood while you wfh or try to figure things out.
ways to stay motivated and happy:
Keep your space tidy.
Declutter. When my workplace/surrounding is messy, I feel as though it is a representation of my life. Keeping things clean and organized keeps me happy and makes me feel as though I actually have my life together haha. It keeps me motivated and gives me a jump start to a more productive day.
Get moving.
You may be in quarantine, but that’s not an excuse to sit on the couch or stay on your computer all day. There are plenty of workouts you can do in one place or do some cardio. Lately I’ve been taking long walks in the morning around my neighborhood. I use that time to catch up with friends or listen to podcasts. If not walking or doing work outs, clean your house or apartment. Get rid of old stuff you don’t need and sell those clothes on Depop or donate to Goodwill. If you’re a big h&m fan, you can also pack your old clothes in bags and eventually donate those to them and get 15% off your next purchase (per bag full of clothes).
Moving around will not only keep your body working but your mind working as well. Starting the day by being active has definitely increased my productivity and gives me energy that lasts all day.